Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Steve Gerber

To the general public, "Howard The Duck" is, if anything, a punchline to a joke, a universally-reviled bad movie. A flop.

But to comics fans, Howard The Duck was an anarchic, game-changing character, and a symbol of the fight for creators' rights.

Howard's creator, Steve Gerber, died this weekend.

Here's a link to an excellent overview of Steve's career by Tom Spurgeon (which is where I grabbed the above image, though I have mine in a drawer somewhere, I'm sure.)

Wednesday update
Just discovered this image and the story behind it. Yow! Links to follow, later.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hate that it took this for me to fall across your name...but it's also this that makes a person want to reconnect with friends from yesteryear. Hope all's well with you; drop me a line when you get a chance: pkupps@optonline.net.

Paul Kupperberg