Monday, June 9, 2008

Marketing Team

Contract and freelance work for the last few months has been fine, but I'd prefer a job.


Some people hate sports metaphors, but here's an apt one:
I like being on a team.

I was reminded of this on Saturday, listening to Johnny Damon's post-game interview. The Yankee outfielder had just gone six for six with a walk-off home run in the bottom of the ninth
that won the game.

Starting pitcher
Andy Pettite had a rocky outing, got better, then got bad again. In the interim, the team scored runs and kept pace with their opponent. Damon said that teamwork involves different people doing different things at different times, picking each other up along the way.

Right! I also enjoy the creativity of collaboration. Diverse strengths and weaknesses come into play at various times. It's a great process; sometimes frustrating, often exhilarating. Always creative.

Working alone or by phone and e-mail is fine, but not all the time, y'know?

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